Associative array

Aka: map, dictionary

It stores key, value pairs. More commonly known as a map or dictionary.

Pros Cons
Provides fast key lookup Depending on implementation, it might not be ordered
Inefficient lookup by values
Python: dict

m = dict(1=2, 2=4) # [1] = 2 [2] = 4
m[1] = 1 # [1] = 1 [2] = 4

m.pop(1) # [2] = 4
m[3] = 6 # [2] =4 [3] = 6

C++: map

std::map<int, int> m { {1, 2}, {2, 4}}; // [1] = 2 [2] = 4

m[1] = 1; // [1] = 1 [2] = 4
m.erase(1); // [2] = 4
m[3] = 6; //[2] =4 [3] = 6

Java: Map

Map<Integer, Integer> m = new HashMap<>();
m.put(1, 2); // [1] = 2
m.put(2, 4); // [1] = 2 [2] = 4

m.put(1, 1); // [1] = 1 [2] = 4
m.remove(1); // [2] = 4
m.put(3, 6); //[2] =4 [3] = 6

Operations Worst Average
LeetCode Problems
Two Sum
Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target.
